We strive to provide the best customer service experience. If you need assistance, please use the following contact options to reach our support team:

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can't place order?
Where is my order?
How do I return an item? 
Where is my refund?

To learn more, visit our FAQ section - you can find detailed information about orders, shipping, returns, and more.

Still need help? Don't hesitate to reach out to us for additional assistance. Please see the contact options below:

Game Queries:

For all queries regarding in-game purchases and your online account, please refer to https://support.activision.com/. The Call of Duty Shop Support Team is not able to access your gaming account, or any details related to in-game purchases. 

Call of Duty Queries:

The Call of Duty Store support team can help you with orders made via the Call of Duty Store. .


For immediate assistance, chat is available 24/7. Start a Chat.

Contact Form:

Contact us via our Call of Duty Shop Contact Form - please include relevant details like your name, order number or anything else that will help us answer your question as quickly as possible.

Phone Support:

For the Call of Duty Shop

  • U.S. : (888) 891-2987, we're available 8am - 5pm ET, Monday to Friday
  • Spain: +34 910783236, we're available 24/7
  • UK: +44 2045245408, we're available 24/7

Thank you for choosing Call of Duty Shop.